Celebrating Walter Cronkite, the most trusted man in America

Max Etenrity - As the world mourns the loss of Walter Conkrite, perhaps America's greatest journalist, many are reflecting on the life and legacy of a man who truly set the standard of reporting excellence. Mr Cronkite, who was fondly dubbed "Uncle Walter" by viewers and listeners, was so relied upon to tell the unvarnished truth about the US Government and international affairs that he was sometimes casually referred to as "the most trusted man in America." But he was not particularly popular with everyone, especially politicians, including President John Kennedy and other presidents who supported the Vietnam War. Still with such a towering figure now fallen, the question begs to be asked, where are we now? What's happened to journalism in America?

Perhaps that question can best be answered by America's most trusted woman in America, journalist Helen Thomas, who once said "without an informed people, there can be no democracy..." Another writer also has an answer to that question.

Today in Salon.com, constitutional lawyer and frequent blogger @ The Huffington Post, Glenn Greenwald, spells out the sad and sorid state of "professional" journalism in America. Greenwald, who has appeared on Democracy Now!, Bill Moyers Journal is know for his uncanny ability to decipher Washington's doublespeak, speaking truth to power on behalf of facts, not fiction.

Click here to read Greenwalds' latest post @ Salon entitled "Celebrating Cronkite while ignoring what he did." In the video below, Cronkite reports on the life, legacy and death of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


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