
Showing posts from June, 2013

Bush advisor: Hastings crash ‘consistent with a car cyberattack’

Michael Hastings Car Crash Had Markings Of ‘Car Cyberattack,’ Says Former Bush Adviser

Obama nominates James Comey to lead FBI

Millions March in Egypt Protests

Anti-Morsi protests sweep Egypt

Bradley Manning should win the Nobel Peace Prize

Obama has ‘no vision, no future’ planned for Africa

Julian Assange: ‘No Stopping’ Release of Additional NSA Secrets

Obama faces protest in South Africa, is unlikely to meet with ailing Mandela

Western US Swelters Under Blistering, Record-Breaking Heat

Ecuador's Correa says Biden asked him to deny Edward Snowden asylum

WikiLeaks Volunteer Was a Paid Informant for the FBI

Friend of Michael Hastings: Things don't add up

Ecuador cools on Edward Snowden asylum as Assange frustration grows

Senate Bill Creates Path for Undocumented Immigrants, But at Cost of Radically Militarized Border

Ex-Pentagon general target of leak investigation

US Army censors Guardian website from defence personnel

Former Top Regulators Tell Congress to Rein in Big Banks

Federal Recognition of Same-Sex Marriage An Economic Win-Win

Trayvon Martin witness denies he was the aggressor

At Zimmerman Murder Trial, Defense Tries to Discredit Friend Who Heard Trayvon Martin’s Final Pleas

Rabbi Michael Lerner: No to Blacks and Yes to gays?

Lance Armstrong: ‘No Tour de France win without doping’

Obama Takes "Imperial Tour" of Africa As World Honors Ailing Mandela

The Evolution of Human Capital

Ecuador to US: We Won't Be 'Blackmailed' over Snowden

An Open Letter to Paula Deen

Retired General Target of Stuxnet Leak Investigation

Telecoms Implicated in Bush-Era Domestic Spying Now Starting 'Privacy Coalition'

CIA cracks down on its own to stop leaks

The Supreme Court Makes History: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

NSA collected US email records in bulk for more than two years under Obama

US-Japan war games off the California coast imitate Chinese invasion

He Can Marry, She Can't Vote: Another Day in Deranged America

UK austerity: ‘Diverting money from poor to rich under guise of economic crisis’

President Correa, Put Your Shield Over Edward Snowden

Obama's Carbon Reduction Plan "Will Guarantee Global Warming Disaster"

Boston bombing suspect Tsarnaev indicted

Kimberly McCarthy: Texas executes 500th inmate

'World order unjust and immoral!' Ecuador’s Correa rips into Snowden coverage

The Personal Side of Taking on the NSA: Emerging Smears

LGBT Movement Wins Defeat of DOMA & Prop 8

One-armed 'guardian angel' saves 4-year-old in lake

Media attacks on Snowden ‘serving the interests of the surveillance state’

Senate passes sweeping rewrite of immigration laws

Documentary Film Explores Divisions in African-American Community Over LGBT Rights

SF Pride: Military Recruiters Welcome, Bradley Manning Not

Chimpanzees to be retired from National Institutes of Health

Kevin Rudd sworn in as new Australia PM

The World Says Yes to Snowden, No to Obama

Fracked Gas Isn’t a Bridge Fuel—It’s a Gangplank

Dolce and Gabbana sentenced to jail for tax evasion

NSA fact sheet on surveillance program pulled from Web

Supreme Court Guts Voting Rights Act

Gay couple sue French mayor over marriage refusal

Snowden stuck in Moscow airport, 'can't buy ticket with invalid passport'

Texas Showdown: Anti-Abortion Bill Fails After Protesters Fill Capitol to Cheer Marathon Filibuster

South Africans Plan to Protest Obama's Crimes Against Africa During Presidential Visit

Texas, the 'Undisputed Champion of Judicial Killings,' Set to Carry Out Milestone Execution

Second LGBT Victory as High Court Defers on Prop. 8

Understanding Leaks is Understanding the Rise of a New Fascism

Ecuador president blasts coverage of Snowden case

Supreme Court rulings on same-sex marriage hailed as historic victory

Brazil's Nationwide Protest Movement Enters Third Week

Political Crossover: The Troubling Emergence of "Black Reaganism"

GM Crops: The Genetic Colonialists

Lightning injures two dozen boy scouts in N.H.

Supreme Court Ruling May Spell The End of Affirmative Action

Liberal icon Frank Church on the NSA

Insider Threat: Government Employees Urged to Tattle On Coworkers

Bankers Caught On Tape, Joking About Bailout, And How They'd Never Pay It Back

Fired Walmart Workers Arrested in Protest at Yahoo Headquarters

Global 'Bully': As Snowden Seeks Asylum, Critics Blast US for Manhunt

On the Voting Rights Act, the colour-blind have been led by the blind

Ku Klux Kourt Kills King's Dream Law

Anti-War Activists Targeted as 'Domestic Terrorists'

Barack Obama to face protests in South Africa after years of laissez-faire

Russian President Vladimir Putin says Edward Snowden still in airport, signals no extradition

New IRS chief admits more targeting cases

Over 8,000 Men Disappeared in Kashmir Since 1989

Delta cleared to complete purchase of 49% stake in Virgin Atlantic

US Death Penalty Enacts Terror, Not Justice

Obama Administration Rebukes China, Russia and Ecuador Over Snowden Extradition

U.S. Mayors Demand End to Federal Crackdown on Medical Marijuana in Their Cities

'A Slow-Motion Train Wreck': The Real Consequences of the Sequester

George Zimmerman trial: case that 'awakened America from a stupor' begins in earnest

Glenn Greenwald Tells Comcast and DOJ Lackey David Gregory to Shove It

Former Gov't Officials Say Foreign Policy Making US Less Safe

Whistleblowing 2.0: From the Pentagon Papers to Bradley Manning to PRISM

Six Shameful Facts About Hunger

Snowden receives refugee document of passage from Ecuador

The NSA's metastasised intelligence-industrial complex is ripe for abuse

Where is Edward Snowden? Glenn Greenwald on Asylum Request, Espionage Charge

Nelson Mandela in Critical Condition

Michael Hastings Emailed Colleagues Saying He Was 'Onto A Big Story' Hours Before Death

A million people across Brazil say "it's not about 20 cents"

Bush's Foiled NSA Blackmail Scheme

US politicians issue warning to Russia as Edward Snowden arrives in Moscow

On 1 Year, Snowden, Manning and More

Snowden in Moscow; Asks for Asylum in Ecuador

Why NASA’s Latest Photo of Alaska is Freaking People Out

'Netroots Nation' Loudly Boos Nancy Pelosi for Criticizing Whistleblower Snowden

From Afghanistan, Thank You Bradley Manning!

Nevada gov. tells feds state doesn't want 'dirty bomb' radioactive waste buried at desert site

U.S. charges Edward Snowden with espionage in leaks about NSA surveillance programs

Pregnant Women's Legal Rights Often Violated at Work, Report Finds

Nurses, Environmentalists Lead Keystone XL Protest in San Francisco

Apple Co-Founder Slams Surveillance State, Hails NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden

Thousands missing in India's massive floods as death toll exceeds 500

The FBI’s License to Kill: Agents Have Been Deemed "Justified" in Every Shooting Since 1993

FBI’s Use of Drones for U.S. Surveillance Raises Fears over Privacy and Corporate-Gov’t Ties

An outdated law is allowing employers to pay disabled workers far below minimum wage

Is Obama Worse Than Bush? That's Beside the Point

Millions of Brazilians in the Streets: 'It's More Than Just 20 Cents'

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's War on Teachers and Children

Ex-Enron CEO Skilling's resentenced to 14 years

Obama to nominate former top Bush official to head FBI

Yahoo completes Tumblr acquisition, aims for 1bn monthly audience

Obama Fails to Reappoint Serious Regulator to CFTC

In Historic Victory for Community Radio, FCC Puts 1,000 Low-Power FM Frequencies Up For Grabs

NYT Pays Tribute to Hastings by Attacking Him After Death

Skype's secret Project Chess reportedly helped NSA access customers' data

Occupied Elementary: Community Sit-In Against School Shutdown

Did U.S. Gov’t Lie about TWA Flight 800 Crash? Ex-Investigators Seek Probe

Who Started the Fires in Sweden?

US races to mollify Hamid Karzai over plans for peace talks with Taliban

Report Argues U.S. Is Neglecting, Undervaluing Education in the Humanities

Sao Paulo, Rio officials reverse subway, bus fare hike that sparked nationwide protests

FBI admits to domestic surveillance drone use

Governments will use whatever technology is available to combat their primary enemy – their own population

Former investigators 'break silence' about cover-up of TWA Flight 800 crash

Boston poised to begin condom giveaway in high schools

Michael Hastings Dies at 33; Fearless Journalist Challenged Power & Exposed Myths of Afghan War

Michael Hastings Dead: Reporter Dies In Car Crash At Age 33

Repeal the Patriot Act

Nobel Peace laureates call for rejection of Keystone XL pipeline in a letter to Obama

Journalist Michael Hastings dies in car crash: Rolling Stone reporter brought down Gen. McChrystal

USA lags behind others in paid vacation, holidays

Quebec reels from mafia-led corruption revelations

Montreal mayor resigns over corruption probe

120 killed in India monsoon floods

Guantánamo Doctors Urged to Stop Force-Feeding Hunger-Striking Prisoners

Show of Resistance: 'Standing Man' Silent Protest Sweeps Turkey

The Terror Diaspora

Glenn Greenwald: Obama's "False" NSA Surveillance Claims

Russia's Vladimir Putin derailed Barack Obama's Attempt to Overthrow Syrian President, Assad

Edward Snowden: War on Whistleblowers "Only Builds Better Whistleblowers"

Ex-South Africa ambassador criticizes Israeli policies as 'replication of apartheid'

Banishing the Dispossed from the Mainstream Media Implies They are Worthless