2012 Presents Opportunity For 3rd Party Victories in Capitol

Max Eternity - With the Congress and the Obama Administration clearly broken and unable to lead, it has been my belief that now more than ever viable candidates outside the big-business, 2-party system, have a real chance of building momentum, getting elected locally and at the state level, perhaps winding up in the White House. And though I am no fan of right-winger, David Brooks of The New York Times, or a fan of Indian's senator, Evan Bayh--a corporate Democrat--in sharing my view that a dissatisfied US populace is looking for new leadership, providing a collective consensus that unexpected political change might visit this nation sooner rather than later, Bayh and Brooks do have a valid point.

For good reason, a lot people have lost faith in Obama. And in 2012, we ain't looking forward to a Palin presidency either. It's time for Progressives to mobilize and organize. The Huffington Post reports:

Sen. Evan Bayh (D-Ind.), who announced he would retire from his U.S. Senate seat at the end of his term, is already looking into his 2012 election crystal ball and what he sees is the potential for a third-party candidate to win the presidency.

In an interview with Charlie Rose, Bayh took pains to emphasize his support for President Obama's re-election, but said disarray within both political parties has created an opening for a third-party contender. Bayh called it "a Ross Perot Moment" -- a sentiment that has been echoed recently by New York Times columnist David Brooks.

"You remember back then, the deficit was unsustainably high," Bayh said, referring to the economic conditions of the early-1990's. "The economy was struggling. People had a sense that Washington was just broken, and they looked for someone from completely outside the system. Read more.


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