Domestic Terrorism or Tax Revolts?

Common Dreams - In 1786 and after hearing about the tax revolts occurring throughout the newly formed United States of America, Thomas Jefferson, who was in France, claimed such rebellions were good things...and it was medicine necessary for the sound health of government. On the other hand, Samuel Adams believed that those who had rebelled against the laws of a republic and were committing treason and should suffer death.

These differing views came to mind when a software engineer launched a suicide attack against the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). After setting his home on fire, Joseph Stack flew a small plane into an IRS building. Evidently, the tax rebel, or domestic terrorist, was unable to find work, had zero income, and did not file a tax return. As the IRS tried to collect taxes, he accused them of cannibalizing his savings and retirement funds.

Stack believed the government was not interested in justice, but only concerned about financially bailing out America's corporations, its plunderers, and pompous political thugs. He accused law makers of becoming rich cronies, liars, and thieves that sought their own self-interests while ignoring corporate atrocities. By crashing a plane into an IRS building, he wanted to wake people up to government-sponsored draconian tax laws. Read more.
