America Held Hostage to Two-Party Failure: Government of, by and for the Corporations

Truthout - Washington rhetoric waxes Orwellian in proportion to inside-the-Beltway disconnect around cause and effect of the US economic crisis. Ranging from the Ryan Budget - "kill Medicare to save it" - and some Democrats - "cut Medicare and Social Security to save them" - to claims that deficit reduction (not jobs) is "what the people want," to the "greed is good" creed that assigns entitlements in the form of taxpayer bailouts to wealthy financial institutions that take for granted the ability to shift risk for their liar's loans and speculative transactions. "Austerity" and "shared sacrifice" are Washington code for preserving tax advantages and privilege for the wealthiest, while transferring private debt and risk to the public, onto the backs of the working/middle class.  Read more.


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