Museums 2.0: What Happens When Great Art Meets New Media?
Arianna Huffington - The holidays are here and people are using their free time to flock to the Fockers, gorge on bowl games, and figure out how to enjoy HuffPost on their new iPads (she said suggestively). And more than a few are heading to museums (museum attendance traditionally spikes this time of year).
Last month, I spoke at a conference of museum presidents and directors at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
Museums are increasingly using technology to reach an audience outside their walls. And I, of course, am a complete evangelist for new media and for institutions adapting as fast as possible to changes new technologies are bringing to our world. Read more.
Last month, I spoke at a conference of museum presidents and directors at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
Museums are increasingly using technology to reach an audience outside their walls. And I, of course, am a complete evangelist for new media and for institutions adapting as fast as possible to changes new technologies are bringing to our world. Read more.
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