Strengthen Social Security Coalition Puts Both Parties On Notice
Campaign For America's Future - More than 60 organizations that represent more than 30 million Americans are banding together to deliver a straightforward message to politicians this fall: Don't mess with Social Security.
"Don't turn Social Security in the scapegoat for the deficit," said AFSCME President Gerald McEntee today at a news conference in Washington's National Press Club launching the Strengthen Social Security campaign. "Don't raise the retirement age. Don't tamper with the COLA (cost-of-living adjustment). If you break the promise that was made to American working families 75 years ago, we'll hold you accountable."
"This is very personal for me and for most Americans," said Justin Ruben, the executive director of "I have people in my immediate family who would literally be homeless if it weren't for Social Security. So do millions of other MoveOn members. So, I have one message for the Republicans and Democrats who want to cut taxes for the rich, but then balance the budget on the banks of our parents and grandparents: The 5 million members of, who live in every state and congressional district, will never let that happen." Read more.
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