Blue Is Not A Race (Duh) and You're Not The Damn Victims Here
In a stupefyingly tone-deaf turn of the racial tables, the NYPD's ever-offensive Sergeants Benevolent Association has released a new video claiming that its noble cops are the hapless victims of a "strange form of racism” engulfing the country - a "blue racism" that is “even more racist” than, you know, real racism based on the color of your skin - which FYI you can't take off like a uniform - and the brutal, historic, systemic oppression many have endured because of it. "Our city, state and nation are under severe breaking points," notes a union leader in a Facebook post introducing the video. "Never in my lifetime have I witnessed such division of all people...(and) we too have become the targets of racism." Along with appropriating and misquoting Martin Luther King - for white people, always a bad sign - the video condemns "broad brush attacks, generalizations, and assumptions by college professors" and other heartless elites that more.
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