Armed White Supremacists Clash With Counter-Protesters at Texas Capitol During Unveiling of Black History Monument

Following Donald Trump's election, the US has seen a spike in racist harassment and violence worse than what took place in the days immediately after 9/11. Amid this spate of hate crimes, a group of about 15 white supremacists, some of whom were armed, gathered at the Texas Capitol grounds in Austin Saturday, November 19, to protest the application of hate crime laws to white offenders.

The group, "White Lives Matter Too," a local offshoot of the national White Lives Matter (WLM) organization designated a neo-Nazi hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), took to the Capitol grounds in Austin as a crowd of more than 1,000 were wrapping up a long-awaited unveiling and dedication ceremony for a new monument to Black history in Texas.  Read more.


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