Dr. Oz: Is the most trusted doctor in America doing more harm than good?

MIchael Specter @ The New Yorker - OOne evening a few weeks ago, several members of a television film crew crammed themselves into a tiny examination room on the seventh floor of the Research Medical Center, in Kansas City. The sun had set and the light was fading. Two men, one hoisting a big camera and the other a sound boom, stood in a corner less than a foot from one another. The hospital’s chief of medicine, the head of its cardiology department, and a nurse were also in the room. All were watching as a heavyset forty-six-year-old woman, with cornflower-blue eyes, a sweet smile, and auburn hair parted neatly in the middle, struggled to keep pace on a treadmill. Earlier that day, she had complained of chest pains, and had reported a family history of heart disease. Now she was taking a cardiac stress test, and it wasn’t going well. After little more than a minute, her blood pressure spiked, at 184/92.  Read more.


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